Criteria for ASAC Sanctioned Horse Shows
For individual horse shows:
A shows - $25 per show per year
B shows - $15 per show per year
C Shows - $10 per show per year
For a series of three or more two-day shows within one calendar year:
$50 for 3 shows (pay for two and get 3rd one free)
For a series of three or more one-day shows within one calendar year:
$20 for 3 shows (pay for two and get 3rd one free)
NOTE: In order for a show series to get the multi-show discount, all shows in that series must be sanctioned at the same time.
- Completed sanction form and payment must be received by Sanction Chair at least two weeks prior to first day of show.
- Prize list notification - all ASAC members must be notified and have access to prize list at least two weeks in advance of horse show. If the prize list is posted online, an eBlast containing show information and link to prize list is considered adequate notification. ASAC will assist show management with eBlasts. If hard copy is mailed, the current year’s ASAC membership list is to be used. The membership list will be provided upon request.
- ASAC affiliation must be noted on prize list.
- All ASAC classes must be conducted by USEF class specifications. However, the show need not be USEF licensed.
- Farrier must be on show grounds
- Veterinarian must be on grounds or on call.
- Show must provide adequate water supply for horses.
- ASAC encourages providing a separate warm-up area free from spectators and safe from vehicles.
- ASAC encourages a ring with suitable lighting for night shows.
- Properly maintained restroom facilities.
- Two shows on same date must be at least 50 miles apart.
- At least six (6) ribbons must be awarded per class.
“A” SHOW (three-days or longer):
- Fulfill all general guidelines.
- All ASAC class divisions must be offered. They may be further divided at the show management’s discretion. These classes are not restricted to ASAC members only.
- All shows in NC/SC offering an Academy division must comply with the ASAC Academy Rule Book. Name of horse show judge must be submitted prior to sanctioning, or at least two weeks prior to the show dates.
4. ASAC encourages adequate stabling facilities.
“B” SHOW (two-days):
- Fulfill all general guidelines.
- Show must offer two ASAC classes per division (other than Fine Harness, Hackney and Harness Ponies).
- All shows in NC/SC offering an Academy division must comply with the ASAC Academy Rule Book.
- Name of horse show judge must be submitted prior to sanctioning, or at least two weeks prior to the show dates.
- ASAC encourages adequate stabling facilities.
“C” SHOW (one-day):
- Fulfill all general guidelines.
- Show must offer at least 1 class each from 3 of the following divisions: ASB Five-Gaited, ASB Three-Gaited, ASB Three-Gaited Park, ASB Show Pleasure, ASB Country Pleasure, ASB Pleasure Driving, English Pleasure Ponies, Saddle Seat Equitation, Academy. ASAC encourages shows to include any additional Saddlebred classes that the schedule and/or local support will permit.
- Name of horse show judge must be submitted prior to sanctioning, or at least two weeks prior to the show dates.
- Five-Gaited
- Three-Gaited
- Fine Harness
- Three-Gaited Park
- Park Pleasure
- Show Pleasure
- Country Pleasure
- Saddle Seat Equitation
- Roadster Horses
- Roadster Ponies
- Hackney &/or Harness Ponies
ASAC 2022 Show Sanction Fee